Choose Jesus Today

Jesus said, " I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." John 14:6

Godly Thinking Equals Victory in Jesus

Our thoughts dictate our actions because behavior starts in the mind. Our actions are a direct result of what we think about. In Proverbs 23:7, King Solomon wrote, “As he thinks in his heart so he is.” In other words, what we constantly think about is what shapes our attitude. We become what we think about; this is why our thought life is so very important.

Thoughts are things that come into our mind, and it is a daily decision to choose Godly thoughts. The first and only decision in thinking Godly is to put our trust in Jesus. The Prophet Isaiah wrote that those who trust in God and have their thoughts fixed on him will be kept in perfect peace. (Isaiah 23:3). When we trust it means that we are firmly believing and relying on something. If we lean on Jesus for all things big and small, he will work them out and we will have peace. Trust also means having faith, and faith in Jesus means that we allow him to lead and guide our thoughts and actions.

In order to choose Godly thinking and lean on Jesus Christ we need to stay in his word and have an active prayer life. Studying and meditating on the Bible will allow it to permeate our minds. Psalm 1:2 talks about delighting in the word and constantly meditating on it. Gaining a desire for the word and choosing to read and think on it constantly will allow it to become a part of us and we will act on it. Prayer is talking to the Lord, which results in a close fellowship with him. The Apostle Paul wrote, “Pray without ceasing.” (1 Thessalonians 5:17).  In other words, be in a constant state of prayer. We can talk to the Lord at any time: while driving, at work, shopping, or anywhere. Attending church is not the only time to pray. The Lord is always ready to hear from us.  For more on prayer, see “Teach Me to Pray: The Lord’s Prayer Applied” on the Bible Studies Page

The opposite of Godly thinking is carnal thinking, which is worldly.  The Apostle Paul said the carnal mind is against God. (Romans 8:7). When we do not allow the Lord to lead and guide our thoughts, it means that we are thinking on our own. This is dangerous because it leaves us open for Satan to gain a foothold in our minds.  Paul goes on to further say that those thinking for themselves cannot please the Lord. (Romans 8:8). We cannot get the victory in situations that we will constantly face by relying on ourselves. King Solomon told us to trust the Lord with all of our heart and not depend on our own thoughts; if we acknowledge the Lord he will always lead and guide us. (Proverbs 3:5-6). If we do not seek the Lord we will be defeated by Satan.

Are we purposing within ourselves to rely on the Lord every day?  Are we living victoriously?  If the answer is no to one question, then it is no to both. We need to renew our minds. Paul told the church in Rome not to conform to this world but to instead transform by renewing their minds. (Romans12:2). We should not be taking on the world’s standards and ways of living but instead change our minds with a spiritual reboot. Out with the world and in with The Lord.

Choosing to have a positive thought life that demonstrates our daily commitment to follow Jesus will bring us victory. We just need to remember that victory comes with following Christ Jesus. So choose Godly thoughts and be prosperous by choosing Jesus today!

God bless!

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